Strangest Races of The Planet

People love to compete in almost all activities. Even the most ridiculous and absurd! These strange contests, which we describe in this post, are the best proof of that.
World Championship mustache and beard.

 In this competition, there are 15 different categories, including participants from the vegetation of natural appearance and ending with the freaks crazy hairstyles for beards and mustaches. Championships are held in various cities of the US and Europe since 1990.
Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake. 
Contestants chase a wheel of cheese weighing about 5 kg down a steep hill. The winner is the one who will be able to reach the foot, grab the cheese and cross the finish line. During this race, usually a considerable numbers of participants injured, because the event is required to lifeguard and ambulance.
World Cup game on a guitar. 
 These championships are held in many countries, but the major world championships held annually since 1996 in Finland.
Championship charmer’s worms.
Caster worms secrete a small portion of the soil on which they are trying to get as many of these creatures of earth for a certain period of time. World Championships spell worms pass in England since 1980, and the record for the number of trophies (567 pieces) has a 10-year-old girl.
Race with their wives in their arms. 

Racing with their wives at the hands of popular in many countries, but the annual world championships held in Finland.
Match baby crying. 

The competition, which is not less than 400 years, is held each spring in Tokyo. Beginners sumo wrestlers try to force their children to cry as loudly as possible, writhing grimaces them and scaring them in every possible way. It is believed that it has a positive effect on the kids.
Wrestling at the Toes.

World Championship fight on the big toe is held annually in England, the hotel Bentley Brook Inn (Derbyshire). Competitions began in the hotel pub in 1974 on the initiative of the four local guys. Knock down one enemy.
Racing on Mowers.

Perhaps they are not as popular as racing NASCAR, but runners-Lawnmower also have some of their own organizations in the United States. These races are also common in the UK and Australia.
Such seemingly silly competitions conducted in various countries; moreover, there was even a league of players sponsored by beer producer Bud Light. Even though winning the contest is completely random, all the participants forces trying to logically figure out the answer-reaction on the behavior of their opponents.
Championship at the most terrible face.
If you know how to pose ugly grimaces, then you have a chance! World Championship is held every year in England (Egremont) during the Fair sour apples (Crab Fair).
Spitting cherry pits.
That's for 41 years held the International Championship of spitting cherry pits (Michigan, USA). The record to date is 28.5 meters!
Throwing black pudding.
Championships throwing black puddings are held annually in England on the second Sunday of September. You have three attempts to throw pudding wrapped in women's pantyhose. His need to throw so to knock down as many Yorkshire pudding with a platform height of 6 meters.

Sheeps Ate Several Bag Of Marijuana

Sounds very funny In the United Kingdom a sheep ate several bags of drugs worth about 4 million pounds.
Owner of the farm "Fannis" in the British county of Surrey Nellie Budd found discarded in its territory several bags that she first took over the garbage, but when came closer, smelled the cannabis or hemp.

After the woman saw that belongs to her flock of sheep wandering, staggering like a group of drug addicts.
Nellie Budd is breeding sheep and, according to the police until she found someone left on her farm, drugs, cattle destroyed much of the "real evidence".
And this is neither more nor less than 4000 pounds.
"I have no idea how to get here with hemp bags. They threw right next to the road, and it is free " said the shocked owner of the farm.
British police seized drug residues.
Nellie Budd noted that drugs like hardly any impact on the sheep.
I will inform about the result of analyze of sheep’s meat within the week she said.

Flying Recipes Photos

Real revolution in food photography or as it is called in a food photography, produced Paul Becker and Nora Luther flying their recipes. Now hostesses do not even need to be able to read all the ingredients and their proportions can be seen hovering in the air just above the pots or trays. The authors did not specifically photographs of ready meals, leaving it to the thoughts of audience

 The idea of ​​creating such interesting flying recipes belongs to Nora Luther a designer living in Berlin.

  • The concept of these photos in which the raw ingredients in the right proportions falling into the container for cooking, and is based on the anticipation of the cooking process, and not on the form of the finished dishes are beautifully designed, as has hitherto been customary in a food photography.
  • One looks at the photo and lets you know that this will be for the dish and the ingredients from which it is made, and there is no need to read. 
  • Not finished and stylized dishes and preparation and anticipation that is the idea of ​​these photos. Nora and Paul pioneered a new trend in food photography.

  •  Sophisticated shooting flying recipes spent photographer and designer Paul Becker, who, like Nora, lives and works in Berlin. 
  • Uncooked dishes performed by Luther and Nora Paul Becker look not only beautiful, but what is most interesting, very appetizing.
  • Food Photography or food photography has recently become very popular worldwide. Now anyone who has a camera or a phone takes pictures of different dishes and shares them on the network. Photos of Nora and Paul, it's not just breakfast instagramme, is an art.

Facts about Football, Which You Did Not Know

It is found that Football is the most favorite game on our planet by millions of people. In the intact record of its growth it appeared a lot of interesting facts.

1. Everyone knows the famous fans chant In Spain the consoling the bullfighters at bullfight. And there was the word after the transformation of the word "Allah". Arabs pronounce the name of God during prayer, which in the 8th century AD reigned in Spain.
2. Football is legally banned in several countries, including Afghanistan and Greenland. In some states of the USA are allowed to play football only if the field is located to the church no closer than a half mile.
3. In 1969, England saw the most undisciplined and rude match. Surrey team and Hunts played so recklessly and zealously that the referee removed from the field of 21 players (22nd was sent to the hospital after the match and soon after started the fight) and even a touch judge.
4. Longest match took place in 1981 when the team played two Irish. Judges and referees revealed the winner almost 65 hours.

Why To Use Steel Chopsticks

The first mention of the rods appeared 4 to5 thousand years ago, and of course it was in China. The very first version of the sticks used for cooking food. And there was only one stick, which was very convenient to mix food in oblong clay pots. At first there were just a long (much longer than the current) branches. It is impossible to establish the exact date when they became cutlery. But it happened in about 400-500 years BC.   

One of the factors that contributed to the spread of sticks was a sharp increase in the population. Had to increase the rate of food production, and to accelerate the pace of life in general. To cook faster, the Chinese began to cut it into strips, so do not waste time cutting and cook faster. Thus, the food became just the ideal shape and size to have it just wooden sticks. Especially because their production was so cheap and fast.  

was reduced popularity of knives. For the most part due to the teachings of Confucius, who, incidentally, was a vegetarian. He believed that the knife is not the tool, with whose help should eat the food:  

"A decent and honest man keeps away from the slaughterhouse and the kitchen. He will not allow a knife lying on the dine table. "  

This explains the fact that the rods at both ends blunt. Not be able to pierce the food as a fork.  

Somewhere a century later, they emigrated to other Asian countries: Japan, Vietnam, Korea ... the only difference was in the form of: Japanese made ​​from a bamboo stick and were connected at one end. And even in Japan they are more used during ceremonies. But despite their differences, they still remain the most popular cutlery.  

Sticks But first, of course, was not so cheap and easy to manufacture. And still later appeared silver sticks to determine the poison in the food. It was believed that the silver turns black, working with hazardous substances to humans. But, unfortunately, this has not been confirmed in practice. Some poisons silver is not determined, moreover, it has responded to hydrogen sulfide, which contained a rotten egg.  

For some, perhaps, is the great secret of the fact why the Chinese eat with chopsticks even rice. In untrained hands, and even more so with crisp rice just no chance. Asians have the same oblong rice and a clay consistency, so it is not difficult.  

Interesting Facts:  

  • First spoons in China looked like a spoon with one hand, and on the other end was sharp like a fork.  

  • In the ruins of the city of Yin was not only found the first evidence of writing, but also the first copper rod.  
  • Traditionally, chopsticks made ​​of wood or bamboo, unfinished. A Japanese - finish.

  • cane etiquette a very important part in the Asian culture. It can vary from place to place, and even from person to person, but for the most part, all the variations are general provisions  

1. Is considered bad form, if you pierce your food stick;  
2. Digging stick food around some pieces cannot. This is called "digging its own grave" and is considered to be simply inexcusable.  
3. Banging sticks on the edge of the bowl - so do the poor.  
4. If children hold chopsticks correctly, then it will affect their parents.   

The Japanese etiquette cannot be:   

1. To cross sticks on the table.  
2. Stick upright stick or two in Fig. This is a funeral custom.  
3. Chopsticks to transfer food to another person.   

Taiwanese in etiquette cannot be:   

1. Chew, chew on, or keep in your mouth for too long.  
2. Use sticks to get leftovers from the bowl.  
3. Putting sticks on the table. There is a special utensil.   

In Korean etiquette not:   

1. Take the sticks before the elders.  
2. Hold the bowl too close to the mouth to grab a meal.  
3. Eat rice. To do this, use a spoon. Only the poor use chopsticks for rice.  

During Vietnamese etiquette not:   

1. Have sticks in the shape of V, after the end of the meal. Considered a bad omen.  
2. Take food from the table, and immediately there. Must first be put in a bowl.  
3. Hold the sticks in the mouth while choosing food.