Chair-less Chair that will Always With You

Chairless Chair it's almost magical chair, which is not seen, but which occurs at the moment when you need it. You wear it on me as an exoskeleton when it is not activated, you can freely walk and even run. And at the right time, just press the button it will take the desired shape, and you can sit on it.

Armchair never touches the ground, and because it is easy to wear, belt fastens it to the hips, and the tape covering the ankle. The user only has to move to the desired position and turn on the device, which is capable of modifying its current work 24 hours on one 6V battery.
Chairless Chair has attracted a lot of attention, and will begin testing a new device on the BMW factories in Germany in September and at Audi later this year.
While sedentary work is so detrimental to health that can reduce the life expectancy, the need to stand all day at work is a source of serious problems. Physical stress, repetitive actions and neergonomichnaya posture can lead to the development of so-called musculoskeletal disorders (SMR), which are one of the leading causes of job injuries and illnesses in the world today. In 2011, construction activities have caused 33 percent of all workers' injuries in the United States - more than 378,000 cases. In Europe, more than 40 million workers suffer SMR associated with their work, says the research data Fit for Work Europe», conducted in 23 European countries.

Chair-less chairis an innovative approach to this problem, which today are trying to solve mainly through improved ergonomics.
Aluminum and carbon fiber design allows Chair-less Chair chairs weigh only 2 kg, so it is not too burdened its user, and very slightly restrict his freedom of movement. And in the future it can be equipped with smart motors, able to anticipate the intentions of the carrier and to offer him the optimal posture for sitting, even without direct control.