Facts about Football, Which You Did Not Know

It is found that Football is the most favorite game on our planet by millions of people. In the intact record of its growth it appeared a lot of interesting facts.

1. Everyone knows the famous fans chant In Spain the consoling the bullfighters at bullfight. And there was the word after the transformation of the word "Allah". Arabs pronounce the name of God during prayer, which in the 8th century AD reigned in Spain.
2. Football is legally banned in several countries, including Afghanistan and Greenland. In some states of the USA are allowed to play football only if the field is located to the church no closer than a half mile.
3. In 1969, England saw the most undisciplined and rude match. Surrey team and Hunts played so recklessly and zealously that the referee removed from the field of 21 players (22nd was sent to the hospital after the match and soon after started the fight) and even a touch judge.
4. Longest match took place in 1981 when the team played two Irish. Judges and referees revealed the winner almost 65 hours.