Unusual Wedding in Gas Masks

Everyone is struggling with the difficulties as best he can. And if sometimes minor troubles are solved in a few minutes, the global problems are not easy to solve. For example, atmospheric pollution. The Chinese pair of newlyweds decided to approach the subject with humor. They starred in the original photo shoot in gas masks. And he did it on her wedding day. That all this happened, you can see in our review.

In the photographs the couple in formal attire posing for the camera wearing gas masks. They hug, kiss, happy, but all the emotions hidden under a thick layer of rubber. About how the bride and groom are happy on this day, you can only guess. After the mask does not pass, not only pollution, but human emotions.

Sami couple explained his decision: the last time the level of pollution in Beijing has become so critical that do not pay attention to it anymore. Some residents even have to wear a paper mask every day to protect the body from the accumulated dirt. All because of a large concentration of factories in China, as well as low-quality cleaning system.